Bridgewater NJ Dentist
Bruxism is a term used for teeth grinding and teeth clenching. This is a very common situation that over 30 million children and adults in the US are suffering. Many dentists would often offer night guards in order to treat teeth grinding.
People with teeth grinding problems are often shown symptoms like:
· Jaw muscles are painful and tight
· Rhythmic contractions of your jaw muscles
· Swelling jaw caused by clenching
If these symptoms persist, then you should definitely get a night guard.
Night Guards
Night guards are often worn at night. They are often used as a protective shield in between your mouth to make sure that your lower and upper teeth will not grind or clench against each other. However, there are also some other procedures that you can administer if you are not comfortable with night guards.
What are the other treatments for teeth grinding?
· Braces
Some dentists would often offer teeth straightening. Teeth grinding can be one of the factors of malocclusion. Many dentists would often prescribe braces to some patients that are suffering with bruxism and malocclusion.
· Diet and Medication
Dentists would often recommend patients with bruxism to avoid stimulants. They would also advise patients to stop taking antidepressants. This can contribute more to teeth grinding. It is very important that your dentist is aware if you are on medication. He should also know the types of medicines that you are taking. This will help them look for an alternative medicine that will not clash with your bruxism.
· Stress prevention
Some would also say that teeth grinding can be a cause of stress. Many dentists would often advise patients with bruxism to meditate and relax to relieve some pressure due to teeth clenching and grinding.
If you have experienced the symptoms above, it is very important that you see a dentist as soon as possible. This is to prevent more serious problems caused by teeth grinding and teeth clenching. It will not only affect your oral health, but it can also cause a serious discomfort to your day-to-day activities.